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Ponding water on a low-slope roof can lead to premature degradation of the roofing material, and structural damage from the weight of the water standing on the roof. A ponding water situation should be addressed as soon as it is discovered because a leak is most likely to occur exactly where the water is ponding.
What Causes Ponding Water?
While your low-slope roof was likely designed with a slight pitch to drain water, over time the building settles and lessens the effectiveness of the slope.
Why Does My Roof Leak Long After The Rain Ends?
When it rains, a ponding area on your roof will fill with water. When the rain stops the pond either evaporates or drips into the building after a leak develops. The water that has accumulated on the roof will continue to drip into your building until is is gone or the penetration is above the water line. Ponding areas will develop leaks, and those leaks are very much like a funnel pointed directly at the interior of your structure.
How do We Remedy a Ponding Situation?
Every roof is completely different and we will need to see yours in order to devise a plan to keep it from leaking and remedy the ponding situation. Don't hesitate to call us today for a free inspection.

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